Successfully kickstarting the seasonal product Stricto 

Founded in Amsterdam in 2019, Stricto is the first brand specialising in luxurious yet stylish accessories for scooter riders. With the vision to provide every scooter rider with warm and dry legs with a stylish leg cover, founder Toby set to work. He developed a great product but found out that, after building the website himself and starting advertising, he didn't have enough skills to make (profitable) sales. To still achieve success, he engaged Mind for Business.


Finding the right target group who care not only about practicality but also about style and are willing to pay for it. Stricto is high quality as well as stylish and is therefore in a slightly higher price segment than the worse alternatives.

Besides, Stricto is a seasonal product and it is important to balance marketing efforts so that we make the most of the season and do not overspend at the time when the season tends to come to an end.



As with any client we start with, we first set the basics tight and form a strategy to start testing and optimising. The website got the necessary tweaks and different forms of content and targeting are set up to look for the winning approach to scale on. Anything we can learn in the first season we can use again to start the next season stronger.


To properly showcase Stricto and convey quality and style, our content creators created a branding video highlighting the product's look and qualities. Then, to eliminate further questions, retargeting videos were created explaining more about the product and how to assemble it.


By acting quickly and testing extensively, we were able to realise a nice profitable season for stricto straight away. As the season came to an end, we scaled down and used the learnings to start the following season even stronger. This ensured that we were able to increase sales 3x in the second season. All this while maintaining profitable ROAS.

A word from our client


"My experience with Mind for Business is very positive. They have helped me a lot with the kickstart of my company especially in the early days. Currently, I am still very happy with them and the ROAS we achieve are constantly optimized. Therefore I would recommend Mind for Business to anyone to work with them. They have a personal and hands on approach. I could not wish for a better partner." 5/5 ★★★★★ Tobias van Nispen


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