Paid advertising

Paid advertising encompasses advertising on any online platform that your target market engages on. This is an important pillar in online marketing, as it most likely is their first online touchpoint/impression. By implementing your paid advertising strategy correctly we can create omnipresence for your brand. This means that your brand is everywhere where your (potential) customer is. Research has shown that someone needs 7-21 interactions with your brand before making a conversion. By generating this omnipresence on the various channels, these interactions will be made as quickly and strategically as possible so that the customer buys as quickly as possible from you instead of the competition.

We distinguish two types of advertising: social media advertising and search engine advertising (SEA).

Social media advertising:

This consist of advertising on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Snapchat and Pinterest. These are ideal platforms to use visual content, as the people are on the platforms for visual triggers. People might not know your brand yet and you interrupt their attention by putting your ad in front of them. The challenge is to have them engaged and convince them to buy your product. Setting up the right online marketing funnel accompanied with the right strategy, will definitely convince them.

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Search engine advertising:

This means advertising on search engines of which Google is the most important and biggest one. The difference here compared to social media advertising is the fact that people have a certain search intention. This means that people are in a different stage and actively searching for a certain product. This is where you can come in and list your product/brand on top of the competition. We will reach your exact target audience via Google search campaigns, google shopping, Youtube ads, and of course Google Display for the right retargeting strategy. Together with the social media ads, we will make sure omnipresence is created and that you will be top-of-mind.

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